2022 Grand Marshal, Judges, & Singer Announcement

We are proud to announce some of the esteemed participants in the 2022 Chatham July 4th Parade: 


The Grand Marshal for the 2022 parade will be Tommy Doane. 

This year’s Grand Marshal truly embodies the spirit of a “Salty Chathamite”.  Tommy has deep family roots in Chatham and does many things for the town such as serving on the Finance Committee.  He is a friend and supporter to everyone.  He has a deep history and love for Chatham.  It is said about Tommy that he always lends a hand but never takes any credit or glory!

Tommy will be driven in the parade along with his wife by his neighbor in his own Jeep!


The Judges for the 2022 parade will be:

  • Ginny Nickerson – Ginny will be returning as our “Lead Judge this year.  Ginny is a 12th generation “Chathamite” and past president of the Historical Society. It was said that “If there was a Ms Chatham, Ginny would be a hands down winner of the title.”

As you all know it is tradition for the Monomoy Regional High School Valedictorian to be asked to be a judge for the parade.  Well this year we had a remarkable occurrence at Monomoy.  Twin sisters were named Valedictorian and Salutatorian.  So we asked them both to serve as judges.

  • Nicole Peterson – Nicole was the valedictorian of the class of 2022 at Monomoy High School.  She will be studying Neuroscience at Harvard in the fall and hopes to become a doctor.
  • Victoria Peterson – Victoria was the salutatorian of the class of 2022 at Monomoy High School.  She will attend Cornell in the fall where she will study Business and Hotel Administration.

Both are lifelong Chatham residents.


This year’s National Anthem will be sung by Will Mulholland.  Will is a Chatham Resident and served as the Class of 2022 President at Nauset Regional High School.  Will is going to attend the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in the fall.  

Essential Information for Parade Participants

2025 Theme – “Seasons of Chatham”


Rules for Participation (developed in conjunction with the Chatham Police Department): 

Not following these rules will jeopardize your participation in future parades
Throwing or passing ANY item from a car/truck/trailer to the crowd, (including candy, frisbees, beachballs or flyers) is strictly prohibited. This creates a serious safety hazard for both participants and spectators alike! Handing (not throwing) small items such as small candy and small toys by walkers that are next to vehicles is acceptable.
● No float apparatus or act can exceed 14 feet in height from street level and width must not exceed 8 feet.
● All entries and displays must be free from images reflecting cruelty, denigration or abuse to persons or groups, because of race, creed, gender or economic status.
● Emergency vehicles must be given the right of way at all times.
● The use of helium balloons is discouraged as they pose a serious threat to wildlife in the area.
● Drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited while in line before the start of and during the parade.
● Do not stop to disembark participants after you cross the finish line! Follow police and parade marshals’ instructions for exiting the parade after reaching the finish line.

These rules are for the safety of everyone. Not following them will jeopardize your participation in future parades.

Logistics of Parade:

  • All entrants must be checked in and in parade position at your numbered staging area on Shore Road no later than the times designated below:
  • Entry #1 through #25 check in between 7:00am – 7:30am
  • Entry #26 through #50 check in between 7:30am – 8:00am
  • Entries #51 and up check in between 8:00am – 8:30am
  • All entrants must be in parade position by 8:30am
  • Position number must be displayed on the LEFT side of the Entry.
  • The parade begins at 9:30am at the intersection of Shore Road and Main Street, and finishes at the intersection of Crowell Road and Tip Cart Road. Please adhere to police instructions for exiting the parade area.
  • For entrants wishing to park at the Monomoy Regional Middle School, a shuttle bus will take you to Shore Road. This shuttle will run starting at 6:30am. The shuttle will run from the end of the parade back to the Monomoy Regional Middle School.


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Parade Judging:

  • To qualify for an award, the Entry must be consistent with the parade theme.
  • All awards are determined solely at the discretion of the Judges.
  • Entries are viewed by Judges along the parade route. The Judges’ reviewing stand is located on the lawn of the First United Methodist Church at the intersection of Main Street and Cross Street. Please do not stop here and delay the parade.
  • Your Entry may win more than one award.
  • All category award winners will receive a custom-designed engraved plaque which will be presented at an awards ceremony during a Select Board meeting later in July.

Parade Award Categories:

  • 1st Place – Overall Best Entry will be recognized by an engraved brass plaque on the Chatham Parade Trophy displayed at Town Hall.
  •  2nd Place Entry
  •  3rd Place Entry
  • Best Youth Entry (participants under
    18 years old)
  • Most Patriotic Entry
  • Funniest Entry
  • Best Family Entry
  • Best Civic Entry
  • Most Environmentally Conscious Entry
  • Best Use of Technology

All of the category award winners will receive a custom-designed engraved plaque which will be presented at an awards ceremony during a Select Board meeting later in July.


Name of Organization or Individual
Chatham Police Department
Chatham Veterans
Chatham Veterans' Auxiliary
USCG Station Chatham
US Coast Guard Auxiliary, Cape Cod Flotilla 11-1
Chatham Fire Department (w/ others)
Chatham Town Flag
Chatham Select Board
Chatham Town Band
Grand Marshal

1 Phillips Farm Family
2 John Cassaboon
3 Roger Miller owner
4 Jean Bongiovanni
5 Ted Whittaker & Friends
6 Donald Baker
7 Nick Genoese
8 Bob McAuliffe
9 Model A club of cape cod
10 Cliff Stalker
Name of Organization or Individual
11 Walter Blackett
12 Charlene and Robert Guigli
13 Andy Hurley
14 Robert Carleton
15 7 Sisters Florals
16 Highland Light Scottish Pipe Band
17 Redemption Rock Church
18 Wicked Wavy Swim School
19 Rotary Club of Chatham
20 Boot Camp Chatham
21 Wellfleet veterinary hospital
22 Magner Family
23 Cape Cod Fiddlers
24 Chatham Athletic Association (Chatham Anglers)
25 Goodies
26 Tucker MacDonald / Tide Guide App
27 Chatham Hood Bikes
28 Cape Cod Beach Chair Co.
29 Chatham Boy Scouts Troop 71
30 Lilly Pulitzer
31 Monomoy Yacht Club
32 Chandler Travis Philharmonic
33 Puzio Eyecare Associates
34 Slightly Tooned
35 The Black Dog
36 Depot Dogs
37 The FitzGerald Family
38 Chatham Squire
39 Squire Mobile
40 Joy Street Kids
41 Cape Shark
42 DY Marching Band
43 Witches On the Water, Inc.
44 The Fisher Family
46 Ken Owens Memorial Soccer Jamboree
47 Dance Therapy 508
48 First Night Chatham
49 Chatham Yacht Club
50 Coxswain Media, LLC.
51 Protect Our Past
52 Southern Tide Chatham
53 Chatham Bars Inn
54 Mason Axford
Name of Organization or Individual
55 Cape Cod Power Squadron (America’s Boating Club Cape Cod)
56 Chatham Conservation Foundation and Americorps Cape Cod
57 The Chatham Fiddle Company
58 Summer Sitters
59 Chatham Pottery
60 Cape Cod Cousins
61 Steve Morgan and the Kingfish
62 Chatham Republican Town Committee
63 Committee to Elect Melissa Alden
64 Oyster River Boatyard
65 The Beach Fire Shop
66 The Place Holders
67 Chatham Democratic Town Committee
68 Stage Harbor Yacht Club
70 Lauzon Committee for State Senate
71 Cape Cod’r
72 Yarmouth Minutemen
That’s All Folks