Category Archives: Chatham Fourth of July Web site

Grand Marshals of the Chatham Independence Day Parade

These fabulous people were chosen to be Grand Marshal of the July 4th parade because of their outstanding commitment to Chatham. The Grand Marshal is designated to take the lead in the processional and in the hosting of festivities. As the Grand Marshal is a position of special honor, the nominee must be a year round or summer resident of Chatham and one who has made significant contributions to our community. (Unfortunately our records are incomplete- please let us know if you know who was the Grand Marshal in the empty years below)

2024 – Karl Fehrle, a long-time Chatham resident, will be the Grand Marshal for this year’s Independence Day Parade.  Mr. Fehrle is a US military veteran of WWII and a member of the Chatham Band, where he plays saxophone and is well know for his solos on “Somewhere Over the  Rainbow” and “What a Wonderful World”. 

2023 –  John Whelan.  This year’s Grand Marshal truly represents “Historic Chatham”. He has been a resident of Chatham for over 70 years and is described as one of the “keepers of the flame” as he is always
willing to recount stories of Chatham both orally and through his
columns in the Cape Cod Chronicle. John is the author of the
book “I am Chatham” which is about the people who have
contributed to the rich history of Chatham. He has also served on
Chatham’s Finance Committee.
John will be driven in his own Audi Convertible by his brother.

2022 –  Tommy Doane. This year’s Grand Marshal truly embodies the spirit of a “Salty Chathamite”.  Tommy has deep family roots in Chatham and does many things for the town such as serving on the Finance Committee.  He is a friend and supporter to everyone.  He has a deep history and love for Chatham.  It is said about Tommy that he always lends a hand but never takes any credit or glory! Tommy will be driven in the parade along with his wife by his neighbor in his own Jeep!

2021 – After much input from the public, the Independence Day Parade Committee has chosen to collectively honor as Grand Marshals this year all medical workers, first responders, and teachers who worked incredibly hard under the extraordinary circumstances brought on by the pandemic. We would like to have one person from each profession represent their colleagues in the parade and ask for your assistance.

2020 – Virtual Parade due to Covid-19

2019 –  Ivan Bassett, a lifelong resident of Chatham and beloved fixture in the community.  As a signalman in World War II, Mr. Bassett served in every major battle in the Pacific, including Iwo Jima and Okinawa, and won 10 battle stars.  After the war, he returned to Chatham, married and raised a family, and worked for the local fire department and school system. We can’t think of a more perfect individual to represent this year’s parade theme, “Chatham Honors You! Service Members Past, Present, Future.”  

2018 – Hank Hyora

2017 – Spencer Grey

2016 –

2015 – Naomi Turner

2014 –

2013 –

2012 –

2011 –

Essential entrant information for the 2025 parade

2025 Theme –
“Seasons of Chatham”


Requirements for Entry:  
Submit your registration no later than June 15, 2025 by completing the online application form. The link to the form is at the bottom of this page- please read all of the important entrant information!

Applications will be reviewed by the Parade Committee and an email confirmation will be sent to all applicants by June 20.

An entrants’ position number in the parade will be assigned and listed on the Independence Day Parade Committee website after June 24 and appear in the June 24th issue of the Cape Cod Chronicle. (Entry registration dates do not factor into planning the parade order.)

If an entry does not meet all requirements, participation will be denied.  Everything must be filled out completely for the application to be accepted. Please email any questions to [email protected].

Applications received after the June 15, 2025 deadline may NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Rules for Participation developed in conjunction with the Chatham Police Department

Not following these rules will jeopardize your participation in future parades 

  • Throwing or passing ANY item from a car/truck/trailer to the crowd, (including candy, frisbees, beachballs or flyers) is strictly prohibited. This creates a serious safety hazard for both participants and spectators alike! Handing (not throwing) small items such as small candy and small toys by walkers that are next to vehicles is acceptable.

These rules are for the safety of everyone. Not following them will jeopardize your participation in future parades.

Logistics of Parade:

  • Prior to parade day, entrants are strongly encouraged to check in and pick up their position number flags at the Chatham Police Department at 249 George Ryder Road on the following days/times:
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • Entrants who are not able to check in during the above times must check in prior to positioning on Shore Road with a Parade Monitor stationed at the Chatham Town Fish Pier by 8:30am on the morning of July 4th. 
  • All entrants must be checked in and in parade position at your numbered staging area on Shore Road no later than the times designated below:
  • Entry #1 through #30 check in between 7:00am – 7:30am
  • Entry #31 through #60 check in between 7:30am – 8:00am
  • Entries #61 and up check in between 8:00am – 8:30am
  • All entrants must be in parade position by 8:30am
  • Position number must be displayed on the LEFT side of the Entry.
  • The parade begins at 9:30am at the intersection of Shore Road and Main Street, and finishes at the intersection of Crowell Road and Tip Cart Road. Please adhere to police instructions for exiting the parade area.
  • For entrants wishing to park at the Monomoy Regional Middle School, a shuttle bus will take you to Shore Road. This shuttle will run starting at 6:30am. The shuttle will run from the end of the parade back to the Monomoy Regional Middle School.

Parade Judging:

  • To qualify for an award, the Entry must be consistent with the parade theme.
  • All awards are determined solely at the discretion of the Judges.
  • Entries are viewed by Judges along the parade route. The Judges’ reviewing stand is located on the lawn of the First United Methodist Church at the intersection of Main Street and Cross Street. Please do not stop here and delay the parade.
  • Your Entry may win more than one award.
  • All category award winners will receive a custom-designed engraved plaque which will be presented at an awards ceremony during a Select Board meeting later in July.

Parade Award Categories:

  • 1st Place – Overall Best Entry will be recognized by an engraved brass plaque on the Chatham Parade Trophy displayed at Town Hall.
  •  2nd Place Entry
  •  3rd Place Entry
  • Best Youth Entry (participants under
    18 years old)
  • Most Patriotic Entry
  • Funniest Entry
  • Best Family Entry
  • Best Civic Entry
  • Best Business Entry

When planning your entry, please keep in mind that the theme must be incorporated in a way the judges can see and understand in order to be eligible for prizes!

Registration opens April 15th.