Now accepting nominations For the Grand Marshal of the 2025 Chatham Independence Day Parade

Grand MarshalThe July 4th Parade Committee welcomes nominations for Grand Marshal of the 2025 Chatham Independence Day Parade.  The Grand Marshal is designated to take the lead in the processional and in the hosting of festivities. As the Grand Marshal is a position of special honor, the nominee must be a year round or summer resident of Chatham and one who has made significant contributions to our community.

Submit your Grand Marshal nomination today by sending an email to [email protected] or completing the nomination form:
Don’t forget to tell us why you feel this person deserves to be chosen!
Your completed nomination form
must be received no later than 
April 11, 2025.
There will be more announcements as we get closer to parade day. For up to date information, please visit the Chatham Parade Page on Facebook or the Parade Website or join the e-newsletter here.